We walked every mile as planned. It is amazing that the last day gave us enough non-rain to make it to Pamplona. More to come in the future.
It had rained so hard last night when we were in Zubiri that the path was flooded. But the rain diminished to a drizzle and we were unwilling to forego our last day on the trail. So, off we went in our rain gear. The first part of day was quite an adventure! After we arrived at the nice, flat river park path into Pamplona the hiking next to the swollen river was easy. Getting lost at the end because of bad directions added to our tiredness, but in no way spoiled the thrill of making it to our goal!
The photos show:
- Russ stepping into the swollen stream that almost caused our Korean pilgrim friend to tumble into the drink. Can you see the rocks we needed to negotiate?
- Russ pondering the just completed wet walk, while encouraging Peg to plunge in. Pretty reflections eased the discomfort, though.
- A pretty town we passed through
- A view of the lovely countryside
- The swollen river near Pamplona and the river walk
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